Pyromid is a publisher of adventure books. They may have the same words as other stories, but together they form a spell that we hope will trap you forever. Pyromid is a portal to different times and dimensions. A mirror that will make you see the reality that surrounds you with different colors. Pyromid will also make you dream of its characters. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll even meet one of them for real.
Pyromid challenges you to read with luxury editions here.
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Ignacio Platero
Ignacio is the author or compiler of the majority of books from Pyromid Books. Not too long ago, he probably thought and acted just like you. However, one day his life took a turn. At a bus stop like any other, Ignacio was pulling out his wallet to pay for his ticket. Ahead of him was a man with tanned skin, exotic features, and deep blue eyes. This gentleman was rummaging through his pockets for loose change to pay the driver but couldn’t find anything. He was about to step off the bus, somewhat embarrassed, when Ignacio stopped him and offered to pay for his ticket amidst the commotion and indifference of the other passengers. Grateful, the man introduced himself as Ambrosius.
His manners were so pleasant that they both sat down together and talked throughout the entire journey. Little did Ignacio know at that time that this was the beginning of the true journey of his life. In gratitude for the gesture, Ambrosius wanted to continue the conversation at his home and tore a piece of newspaper where he wrote down his
address. Ignacio read the paper and asked him that he didn’t understand the writing. Then Ambrosius uttered the phrase that, although it might seem trivial, marked the inception of Pyromid:
“To find me then, you probably have to write it with your own hand.”
Ignacio pulled out a notepad and jotted down the address. From that day on, the best moments of his life unfolded. He became a regular guest at Ambrosius’s place and a deep friendship formed. Until one Wednesday, like any other, Ignacio was heading to the usual weekly dinner with his friend. But on that day, he found Ambrosius’s door ajar and
the house deserted. There was no trace of him. He then entered the spacious living room with large windows, where they had gathered so many times before, but only emptiness greeted him in silence. Ignacio gazed sadly at the void. The majestic African statues were no longer there, nor the vases with enigmatic drawings, nor the hundreds of books
with eye-catching covers, nor the ancient weapons inscribed with unknown languages. Only by looking closely could he notice an old crumpled piece of newspaper, written with an indecipherable script that felt familiar to him. Ignacio carefully examined the paper and discovered another sentence written undoubtedly in Ambrosius’s handwriting. But
the same thing happened again – he couldn’t grasp its meaning, and he felt a mix of anger and sorrow. Since then, Ignacio hasn’t stopped searching or writing. They spoke about so many things that even today, our author does the same thing as back then: investigating what Ambrosius told him and trying to figure out where to find him
again. The only thing he knows for certain is that his friend was born in Egypt. That’s why, among other things, Pyromid represents a pyramid, the most fascinating, ancient, and enigmatic monument in history. Its grandeur parallels the melancholy for the lost friend. The logo pays tribute to the monument’s perseverance through time and the solidity of our company. The flame that illuminates the pyramid resembles Ignacio’s hope of finding his lost friend and his passion for writing. Something he always remembers when he looks at that worn piece of paper, which, by the way, has the same texture that adorns the pyramid.

Jusuf Al-Tuarei
In a burst of determination to find Ambrosius, Ignacio decided to travel the world using the few clues and resources he had. The journey was thrilling, and to his surprise, he confirmed many of the suspicions he had about his friend. In one of his comings and goings, Ignacio was traversing the Sahara on a subspecies of Moa believed to be extinct, but how he obtained it is a story worth telling elsewhere and not here. During a sandstorm, Ignacio got separated from the group and became lost. Just when he thought his end was near, he encountered a plump figure in the midst of the desert. Although he thought it was a mirage, he approached, and that’s how he met Jusuf. For some reason, the enigmatic nomad joined him without a word. Well, this isn’t entirely true, as Jusuf never stops talking even though no one seems to understand him. Ignacio persisted with determination, but he has given up trying to decipher what he says after consulting with several linguists. The only thing that seems clear is that Jusuf randomly switches words and expressions from his vocabulary when he doesn’t want anyone to understand him, which happens quite often. Ignacio believes he speaks a dead language, and Jusuf is the only one still using it. Its grammar, vocabulary, and syntax seem to have faded away without his knowledge or concern. The meanings of the gift of language irrigate the sounds that once undoubtedly formed a fabulous language in Jusuf’s unfamiliar environment. Interestingly, for the past five years, Jusuf has demonstrated an innate talent for illustration, and our multifaceted author enjoys his art, even though he sometimes doesn’t understand how Jusuf can understand all his requests so well.